We venture out
Just as the edges
Of the light crease
The sky.
The shift change
Of nature charges
The woods with
Purpose and
Silent wings
Flash in the periphery,
The night-time hunter
Abandoning the search
To seek safety
As he becomes the
The pink of the sky
Touches the
Fresh snow.
The day has
January 18
If the world
Does indeed
Have a tail,
I have not had it
In hand.
The crevice between
Confidence and crisis
Like a moving and melting
The biggest trick
Is to avoid avalanche,
To skate the edges
Of gravity and chance
In some way that
Maintains meaning.
January 17
Tracks, like memories
Tell stories.
A silent tryst
In the night,
Fear of being
Or finding.
The rising sun
Reveals the
Twists and turns
Of life.
I am reminded of
Who I was,
And who I hoped to
To walk away
Leaves as many
And scuffles as
To stay.
Perhaps the
Most interesting
Tracks are left
By the deciding.
January 16
Long, low
Shadows drift through
The fresh snowfall.
Though it is noon,
Angles are acute,
Making waves in
The sparkling crystals.
My breath clings
To the scarf beneath
My coat,
Growing in the cold
As if I could use
It again.
This brilliance passes
Giving way to early darkness
And stars.