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March 24, 2023

Mortality stares us

In the face,

Refusing to blink.

The long sought respite

From life as a daily grind

So short.

I watch as you move about the room,

A body aging and a mind

So barely beginning to grasp

What it means to be alive.

One will doubtless need to

Carry on without the other,

A lone sentinel of the

World that flourishes

Between us.

May 25, 2022

It was inevitable.
Time added to gravity
exponentially slid skin
and muscle
perpetually downward,
piling up at knees,
wagging under arms.
Fearing refugee status,
pounds jumped and clung
to waist lines and muffin tops,
hanging over pants.
It wasn’t the clothes.
They acted appropriately.
It was the flesh that became
delinquent and ornery.
Such is aging at its surface.
Not so down deep.
There we age with grace,
wiser and more eloquent.
Beautiful and full.
Grateful for the breadth 
and breath 
of each day.